Gen Meade U.S.A.

~An image gallery dedicated to the memory of Union General George Gordon Meade, his friend, General John Fulton Reynolds, and including images of other Civil War era Pennsylvanians~

More on the Gen. John Fulton Reynolds image, by Silsbee & Case & Co., Boston

Continued from Reynold’s Gallery about the Silsbee & Case image….

…..We see him here with the deep side part and thick hair combed neatly from his face. There are too few photos of Reynolds, but the ones we do have all show this same hairstyle, whether long or short. He is wearing his beard in the groomed imperial style, popular in the 1850s. This could be a late 1850s cdv, or a cdv copied from a daguerreotype made a bit earlier by Silsbee & Case. He looks younger here than in the SLC Daguerrotype made in 1858-1859. See my facial recognition videos, linked in gallery. This is another image that was found in the album inscribed as from the “Meade Family”. From my collection.