More on Gen.(Captain) John F. Reynolds in tinted photo
Continued from Reynold’s gallery about the tinted (c.1860, Captain) photo…
The Woman who tinted this photo used blue eyes and auburn hair after studying Reynolds ancestry and studying photos of him. Because both of Reynold’s parents and at least one brother had blue eyes, together with his Irish ancestry she decided on the blue eyes. All the detailed images of his face show a great deal of contrast between his iris and his pupils. (see close up images in gallery). This was another reason she chose the blue eyes. Eyes that have a high contrast between dark pupils and lighter irises are usually either blue, green, or gray. With both parents blue she decided blue was most likely. I agree because all the detailed photos of him (gallery) show this high contrast. Its easy to see in all the detailed images of the general that there was indeed this high contrast, which couldn’t denote brown eyes.